Monday, 29 December 2014

2014 Christmas Antics

Hello lovelies. I hope that you had a great Christmas and had an amazing festive period.

Firstly, I can't believe that Christmas is over and done with for another year already. The whole build-up to Christmas came around so quickly for me this year, but I am putting this down to the fact that I am at university so I am constantly busy. However, the fact Christmas is already over and done with upsets me, because it is really my favourite time of year!

A lot of the country has received snow, but where I live when I am not at university, hasn't! I genuinely thought that living in the Lake District would mean we were in line for some white goodness, but unfortunately I was wrong and we have received zilch!

For Christmas, I got a new camera which I am so thankful for and very pleased about! It means no more out of focus phone photographs, and I can take some super snappy images to put onto my blog.

I didn't take many photographs from Christmas day because I had to wait to get a big enough memory card for my camera etc. but here are a few snaps of my Christmas Tree, decorations and a little hat that my auntie made. They are so cute and she attached them to the presents as little Christmas favours.

Over the festive period I went to my Grans house in the countryside and had lunch with her. She took me to her local church where she showed me her flower arrangements, and we went for a walk around her huge garden and I took some snaps. The image of the ducks always takes me back to my childhood days, because every time I would go to my Gran's I would stand at the gate over the path and spend hours looking at the animals in the field opposite.

We also had some family come and visit us who live down south. They are literally the cutest kids ever and they are so sweet. They were obsessing over playing football on the frosty grass, spending time with my pet rabbit and just constantly being cheeky.

Tonight I made a curry for my mum and her partner. I don't usually like to make big meals because I am not confident with the whole 'cooking' thing, but it was tasty even if I do say so myself. If you would like the recipe, comment below!

So my festive season was fun filled and full of family. I had the best Christmas and I already cannot wait for next year.

How was your Christmas?